Thursday, March 19, 2020

March 19

March 19 Lessons

Thankful Thursday in Distance Learning

We got this!  I am thankful for work you have finished this week as we transitioned into a different way of learning.  Make sure you do play today and this weekend!  
Image result for play quotes
Thursday, March 19

7th Grade Gifted Education: Please see your assignment in Google Classroom to Write Scene One and Two of your play. Turn this in! 

8th Grade Gifted Education:  
Your new assignment is your Memory Minute!  Also please turn in your "What are your dreams?" writing assignment in Google Classroom.  Also, make sure you turn in your presentation and program on Mystery Disease in Google Classroom.  Turn this in! 

3rd Grade Gifted Education: Storytelling Find a book on the internet or from your house.  Create a storytelling mountain map.  (What is the starting point of our story?, What is the climbing action?, What is the peak of our story?  How does our story come back down the story mountain?)  Practice re-telling your story to an adult, sibling or pet in your house.  Check into SeeSaw for more announcements.

5th Grade Computer:  Show your family your "All About Me" presentation.  These are wonderful!  Continue to practice on if you have access to a computer.  Try to finish the Timed Lesson Typing Tests.  You can also try to type a friendly letter in Google Classroom. 

4th Grade Gifted Education:  We are just starting to build our robots.  Can you imagine you are a robot?  Let's write a story from the robots perspective.  What does the robots day look like?  Where does it charge up?  How does it "play"? You can think about these things and then write or tell your story to an adult, sibling or pet.  Check into SeeSaw announcements for more information. 

Healthy wishes and Kind regards,
Mrs. Sonja Braucht 😊